Voglio vedere la feccia del mondo lottare per scalare la montagna del miglioramento! Solo per vederli inciampare ripetutamente e precipitare fossa infuocata del fallimento.
E’ Dio mi fece donna…con curva e pieghe e dolci avvallamenti e mi ha scavato dentro,mi ha reso fabbrica di esseri umani. Ha composto il mio sangue e lo ha iniettato in me perchè irrigasse tutto il corpo, nacquero’ cosi’ le idee ,i sogni,l’istinto.
Vorrei con la mia mano fare tutte le strade della tua schiena,scoprire una deviazione imprevista,trovare un angolo segreto che nessuno ha ancora toccato.
I visited many museums, art galleries and showings with my girlfriend. We all know well what art is from an early age but entering the adult world makes us question this. At a museum I turned around seeing my girlfriend admiring a painting, in that moment I realized what the most fantastic work of art there was, and it was her. So I came up with the idea for this drawing to express this. On the walls I put my own works in the drawings. Contact me for originals or signed prints if you like what I create. Have a good one – TDG @ombra_art_
On my third year of an illustration course I made this portrait of Jacqueline De Ribes using graphite on paper. I wanted to capture the image with fedelty while at the same time leaving expression in my drawing process and style. I wanted the image to vibrate and have reflections of photography, drawing and painting. 2022